This is an incredible moment for the gospel message!
But how do we equip people to get the message out when they can’t sit down with their neighbor? The Center For Truth in Love has created a completely free and simple to use digital gospel "tract" anyone can share through a personal text message or email right now!
Pastors and ministry leaders, get this completely free and simple tool that can help/equip your church members to share the gospel right now.
WATCH the “Because I care about you…” video for yourself.
PRAY and ask God to lead you to who might need to see this video.
SHARE - You can share the video via text, email, or direct message on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter by copying and pasting this link: www.becauseicareaboutyou.org
Example wording to accompany your video for you to copy and paste:
“Hey, I’ve been thinking about you in light of what has been going on and there is something that I wanted you to know. Would you take a few minutes to watch this video?”
REPORT to your Pastor letting him know that you have sent out the video and give him the name of the person you shared the video with so that he can pray along with you.
FOLLOW UP with the person you sent the video to in a few days.
Text "I CARE" to 55444 to receive a short video training from Ben Schettler on how to best follow up and answers questions.